Some people call it clothing, others call it armor. Whatever you call it, it can help to protect you from losing your health too quickly. There are three parts of all armor: the body, the legs, and the feet. only one can be used at a time, but their combined defense values are added to the player's stats.

Examples of player armor: Top, bottom, and shoes.
Weapons in FusionFall are important. Without them, players would keep dying when trying to get through an area filled with fusion monsters. There are six types of weapons, each having their advantage and disadvantages. These weapons are:
Melee: Close combat weapons such as swords and hammers. Melee weapons are good for enemies that travel in packs, but not so good for attacking a single fusion monster.

The Lightning Sword(above) is an example of the many melee weapons available in the game.
Thrown: Weapons such as bombs and boomerangs. Thrown weapons are good for larger group attacks, but should not be used for attacking a single fusion monster. Thrown weapons also have to be aimed manually, where four of the other five weapon types are automatically aimed at the monster.

The Caliente bomb(shown above) is one of the first thrown weapons a player can obtain in the game.
Pistols: Pistols range from short-range to medium-range. These are good for single attacks, but terrible for group attacks.

Pistols such as the Custard Buster(above) shoot either short or medium range.
Rockets: Rockets are the other weapon type that must be aimed manually. They are like the thrown weapons, good for group attacks, but terrible for single attacks.

Rockets such as the Bullhorn Boomstick(above) is the other weapon type that must be aimed manually.
Shatterguns: Shatterguns are medium-range guns that are like the melee weapons: good for single attacks, but terrible for group attacks.

The Titan Machine(above) is an example of a shattergun weapon.
Rifles: As long-range guns, the rifles are like pistols: good for single attacks, but terrible for group attacks.

Rifles such as the Lightening Gun(above) shoot long range.
Accessories don't do much for attacking or defense. All that accessories do is enhance the armor that the avatar is wearing. There are three types of accessories: face accessories, head accessories, and back accessories.

An example of each accessory shown above: Hat, face, and back.
Vehicles are great for getting around. The player travels at the same speed as they would with a run boost activated. Nanos cannot be activated while the vehicle is in use, nor can players attack fusion monsters. The vehicles do not work in the infected zones, but thy do hover above the ground, so that a player doesn't get infected with toxic fusion matter. They can be rented for a total of 15 days, and after the 15 days, can be rented again.

The Racer D Hovercar(above) and the KND Hoverboard(below) are examples of vehicles hat the player can use in FusionFall.
All items, with the exception of vehicles, can either be bought, or gained as a reward in missions. Items that are gained by doing missions are rewarded in the form of a C.R.A.T.E., which can be traded with other plyers, and sold, without being open.
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